Sven Krumrey

All articles by Sven Krumrey:


The trouble with copy protection

Sven Krumrey

Recently, when the news that the much-praised copy protection for Ultra HD Blu-ray had been cracked made the rounds, it likely brought a smirk to the face of many readers. For too long, users had listened to the industry that touted every new format as uncrackable - usually followed by pirated copies within a few days or weeks. Alas, this eternal game of The Tortoise and the Hare is only funny until you're personally affected - after all, it's the honest buyer that's left holding the bag.



Ultrasonic spyware - what only your dog detects

Sven Krumrey

Spyware, whether distributed by criminals, advertisers or even states, is a constant nuisance. Yet, some types have the technician in me marveling. Why? Because they're innovative and intelligently designed. Recently, I came upon an approach that might interest web users, supermarket shoppers and whistleblowers alike. A single sound can betray them all (with a little bad luck).



Google announces ad blocker - and shakes the foundation of the ad industry

Sven Krumrey

Recently, the ad industry was rattled at its core as Google announced they would be adding an ad blocker to Chrome in 2018 that will rigorously block invasive (obtrusive) ads. Why would a company like Google that makes millions off ads take such a step? All over the world, ad creators are frantically calling their lawyers while comment sections are overflowing with doom and gloom. Is Google taking the side of annoyed Internet users or are they simply using their market power to kill off rivals? Maybe both.



Joy, pain and unknown manatees: a Microsoft Video Indexer test

Sven Krumrey

Recently, Microsoft's Build 2017, an annual developer conference, took place in Seattle and the company once again displayed their crown jewels along with big plans for the future (as always). With a Colgate smile, attendees were shown what smart services can do with cloud data - and data protection officials were probably reaching for their suicide pills right away. Video Indexer is a great example of how to leverage these new technologies and you can give it a try - if you dare. After all, Microsoft didn't lie when they spoke of a "democratization of surveillance tools".



Secure logins: two-factor authentication

Sven Krumrey

We all want data security - and sometimes you need to change your habits for it. I already wrote about strong passwords and how to detect phishing attempts so today's article is about secure logins. Two-factor authentication may sound like a bureaucrat's wet drean but it does wonders for the security of your user accounts, even when your login credentials have already been stolen!
