Shodan: The eeriest search engine on the web

Sven Krumrey

When security cameras are insecure

Do you use a surveillance camera, fitness tracker, or smart lighting? Are your smoke detectors connected to the internet to send status notifications similar to modern security systems? Today, an assumed 50 billion devices are online to allow for information sharing as well as easy monitoring and controlling. Doesn't this entail a major security risk? Shodan, the most controversial search engine on the planet, will tell you.



How much do you pay for your shopping online? That depends!

Sven Krumrey

Even the time of day matters

Picture this: As you're walking into a supermarket, you're immediately questioned about your shopping list, address, and cellphone. You answer everything faithfully and a shopping clerk bolts through the store, marking up every product ever so slightly– because you live in a wealthy neighborhood, have the latest iPhone, and are looking for a good wine to go with your dinner tonight. The clerk also makes sure to always move the most expensive items to the front of each display. Sounds weird, right? That's exactly what can happen to you when you're shopping online!



ChatGPT - Chances and risks

Sven Krumrey

ChatGPT: Blessing or curse?

"Welcome to my blog about ChatGPT - a cutting-edge language model developed by OpenAI! As an AI language model, ChatGPT has been designed to communicate with humans in natural language and provide informative responses to a wide range of queries. With its advanced capabilities in natural language processing and machine learning, ChatGPT has become one of the most sophisticated and powerful language models available today. In this blog, we will explore the features and functionality of ChatGPT, and delve into the ways in which it can be used to enhance communication and improve knowledge sharing. So if you're curious about ChatGPT and want to learn more about how it can help you achieve your goals, be sure to read on!"



It's been a year, is Windows 11 now worth it?

Sven Krumrey

A big plus for many: the new Windows 11 design

I recently had a pleasant chat with an acquaintance of mine about our jobs and related news. He's a chemist and talked about plastics that remain malleable at specific temperatures and are based on renewable raw materials (it sounded more fascinating in person). My topic was somewhat predictable: Windows 11! He had only seen a few screenshots and asked me whether the OS was worth picking up. I was getting ready to refer him to a previous blog post but decided against it since a year of using the new OS had changed my perspective a little. Time for an update!



Return of the tinkerers

Sven Krumrey

The tough struggle with hard and software

A somewhat aged Windows PC recently fell out of favor with me. Following an update, it refused to join its designated network after each cold start, forcing me to do an additional reboot every time. That was aggravating–and prompted me to do something I hadn't done in a long time: tinker! It's what made me the PC professional I am today! Here's to blood, sweat, and tears–and modest success along the way.
