Sven Krumrey

All articles by Sven Krumrey:


Would you like to learn what Google knows about you?

Sven Krumrey

When I was young, there was a TV show called "That's your life". A more or less famous person stat in a studio while the host held a book and read out details about various stages of his or her life. Every now and then, an old companion would come rushing in, hug the guest and start chatting about past events. Google has something similar to offer to all of us - and I'm still vacillating between fascination and trepidation.



Taping over your webcam - mere paranoia or reasonable action?

Sven Krumrey

I like to be security-conscious, it's part of my job. When you read about security leaks and computer virus infections every day, it becomes an automatism. Yet, I dislike paranoia and I still believe the best security advisor to be sitting between each user's ears. That's why I haven't taped over my webcam yet. It seemed overcautious - and then HE appeared. HE got me thinking.



A blanket by any other name?

Sven Krumrey

As a computer scientist, you're constantly faced with English expressions. That's why I didn't waste much time thinking about how to communicate during my vacation in England. My girlfriend even suggested that we help the elderly among our tour party with any translations, if need be. Sure, you've got to help where you can... It was on the ferry to Dover that my deep confidence was rattled.



Molested by robots - How social bots are manipulating us

Sven Krumrey

Picture this, a politician is giving a speech in front of a large audience. Immediately afterwards, he receives applause and encouraging words but also boos, backtalk and mockery. You look around to see who's causing the fuss - and see abunch of robots. What sounds like eerie science fiction has already become reality on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and many other sites. Software created for political manipulation and to sell goods or spy on you? Yes, it's already on the market!



Windows 10 - final sprint and anniversary

Sven Krumrey

The final days have come! At least that is the feeling users of older Windows version get when they see the Windows 10 countdown. With a little flair for the dramatic, Microsoft uses it to signal that the free Windows 10 upgrade will soon be history. But the question is: Who's really running out of time here since many users (including many of you!) vehemently refuse to upgrade - often with good reason? Maybe the "anniversary update" is reason enough to upgrade at the last minute?
