Embarrassment, unexpected exits and zombies: The world of malware

Sven Krumrey

The button of fear and mysteries

Yes, I made a grave mistake. I wanted to download a codec pack. Not a problem you say? I beg to differ, especially when you're faced with multiple attempts at slipping you unwanted third-party software to get your money! Put on your Indiana Jones hat and prepare for the whimsical world of malware!



5 forgotten WinOptimizer gems

Sven Krumrey

hidden treasures of WinOptimizer

If you ever wanted to see actual programmers tear their hair, just suggest a feature that already exists in their programs. The larger a feature set grows, the more likely it becomes that existing and useful features are forgotten or buried in the depths of the many program menus. WinOptimizer was originally advertised as the Swiss Army knife of Windows optimization tools but as with the real thing, people tend to forget about the many possibilities the program has to offer.



The button that destroys your PC

Sven Krumrey

paralyzed from shock

As children, we learn from adults. The dawn of the computer age brought a lot of change and reversed that role for many of us. Since I make a living off software and writing about software, I am a welcome guest in the homes of many elderly PC users. That's usually not a problem, they have taught me about the world some 30 years ago so I should gladly return the favor in today's world of computers. I should ...

But there are two mysterious phenomena that remain inexplicable to me. Two whimsical conditions that keep intelligent human beings from sending off an email or burning a CD...



Why freeware sometimes doesn’t cut it.

Manuel Verlaat

Shareware, Freeware, Freemium...

Do you use open source software? If you're running Mozilla Firefox the answer is a clear yes. You are using a modern browser that sees frequent updates and didn't cost you a single cent. What seems unthinkable in other industries is common place in the software industry especially for private users. Good and totally free software made by hobbyists. Programs range from simple chat applications and multimedia suites to entire office bundles. Make no mistake, immense efforts are required to create and maintain such applications!



Traveling Jedi Part 1: Car sharing with DriveNow

Jan-Gerrit Dickebohm

the omniscient app

As a frequent business traveler, I constantly need to commute between airports, cities and my clients. Until now, I went by bus, taxi or train, mainly based on current rates and fares. I've seen a lot on these trips but that is another story. For some time now, German cities have added another mobility option: car sharing. We love to share. Tools, office spaces, pets, marriage partners (not official but feasible). Now, we're sharing cars. I like the idea of sharing. It's environmentally friendly, inexpensive and in a way counteracts social isolation. Sharing is social and deserves support.
