Sven Krumrey

All articles by Sven Krumrey:


Windows 10 Upgrade – Free is too expensive?

Sven Krumrey

It's a bizarre situation: Microsoft offers a free upgrade to the latest operating system to its users - and they just say no! Or more precisely: They do upgrade but not in droves as Microsoft had planned. Windows 10 was supposed to run on more than one billion computers soon, that was the goal. At the beginning of 2016, roughly 200 million have installed it. And then Yang Yuanqing, Lenovo's current CEO who used to be a reliable ally, made the situation worse by openly criticizing the many issues especially users of older machines were facing with Windows 10. But Windows 10 still has a lot to offer and runs, to sum up the many tests, quite smoothly. Read on to learn about what you can expect from Windows 10, who really needs the new operating system and what risks are involved!



The anti-social networks

Sven Krumrey

I'm not a very nostalgic person and I consider "Everything was better in the good old days." utter nonsense. For one thing, everything couldn't have been better because we were offline. But lately, I find myself pondering over how the Internet is changing us if it is changing us at all.

Admittedly, cussing online has been with us since the beginning of the Internet, preferably overblown and vulgar. Online, anything's up for a heated debate and, surprisingly, I've encountered the most heated discussions when the topic was either the keeping of animals or nutrition. How the most amicable of characters can turn into animals and start a holy war when discussing the keeping of cats or the benefits of a vegan lifestyle will most likely be comprehensible to like-minded spirits only. This has the potential to turn into fanaticism and rot people's souls.



In plain English: Spotify

Sven Krumrey

What is it?

Spotify is a streaming service for music, audio books and other audio content with unlimited song access. There's a dedicated software / app for every device from computers to cellphones.



Finding the PC that is right for you

Sven Krumrey

Like me, many others have received money as a Christmas gift and are now facing the same problem: Which PC should I buy? The thing is that there's no one PC that does it all. It depends on what you're going to do with it, your primary use cases and, let's be honest, it also depends on how much money you have at your disposal.



We wish you a Merry Christmas and a successful 2016!

Sven Krumrey

For once, you find me slightly saddened: The Christmas party is over and I have nothing scandalous to report. The party raged on until 6 in the morning without noteworthy incidents - shame! Quite the opposite, we are now experiencing something we rarely notice in the busy beehive that is Ashampoo - peace and quiet. Little by little, colleagues are taking their well-deserved Christmas leave, cookies are left untouched (unthinkable under normal circumstances) and the steps in the corridors become gentler and gentler. The email inbox, usually under constant fire, now fills with Christmas greetings from our translators, partners and customers alike. Sometimes, an hour goes by before we receive a new message - unbelievable.
