Sven Krumrey

All articles by Sven Krumrey:


The scratching game

Sven Krumrey

Whenever we hold special offers you always get to see the final result only. But you may be missing out on the occasional anecdote and the tried and tested Ashampoo decision making process.



The shocking confessions of very young programmers - confession no. 4 will surprise you!

Sven Krumrey

No, the confession won't shock you, our programmers just aren't that bad at least as far as I know. I'll let you know when that changes. Still, the headline is piquing our curiosity and may lead to a most annoying phenomenon.



2 minute tech: BIOS

Sven Krumrey

A friend of mine who works as a computer teacher refers to the "BIOS threshold" when asked to judge the competence of his students. Those who know about BIOS („basic input/output system“) have already had deeper experience in dealing with PCs. Since a BIOS is an integral part of most computers yet unknown to many users, here's a short introduction for you.



2 minute tech: Solid State Drive

Sven Krumrey

Is your PC too slow? Back in the days, you'd go for a coffee while the PC was booting up but this is 2015! With most computers, it's no longer the processor that's the performance bottleneck but the hard disk. Since conventional hard disks have their limits SSDs may prove a worthy alternative. Read on to learn about their strengths and weaknesses.



The struggle for survival

Sven Krumrey

Possibly everyone uses free, ad-based services on the Internet. Whether it's email, sports results or current news, nearly every free offer relies on ads for financing. This shouldn't be a problem, it's simple give-and-take and no-one would offer a service out of charity alone. But that's just pure theory as long as an essential element is missing: common sense. In this case that means a reasonable dose of advertising.
